Ass. Prof. Andrey Shishov
PhD, Professor, St. Petersburg State University.
E-mail: andrey.shishov.rus@gmail.com
St. Petersburg State University, Institute of Chemistry
Universitetskiy pr., 26, 198504, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Tel.: +7-911-983-53-20
Previous Positions & Education
MS (Chemistry), St. Petersburg State University (2012);
PhD (Chemistry), St. Petersburg State University (2015);
Assistant Professor, St. Petersburg State University (2016).
Awards & Activities
2013: Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
2013: Member of 63 meeting of Nobel laureates in chemistry with young scientists Lindau, Germany;
2012, 2013: Grant for students and post-graduate students of universities, industry and academic institutions located in the territory of St. Petersburg;
2011: The winner of the competition "Student of the Year" in the nomination "The Best in the scientific and technical creativity";
2012, 2015: Winner of Shimadzu competition;
2010-2011, 2014-2015: Russian President's Scholarship;
Laureate of the Scientific Council Prize for Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2021;
Laureate of the Presidential Prize for Young Scientists, 2022.
Area of scientific interests:
Microextraction methods;
Deep eutectic solvents;
Food analysis;
Analysis of petroleum products.
H-Index = 20;
Teaching courses
Analysis of oil and petroleum products (lecturing).